Edward T. Welch has done it again. I have benefited greatly from his previous writings and look forward to reading this too! It is titled
Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest. C.J. Mahaney has written two seperate reviews of it found
here and
here. Tim Challies has written a longer and perhaps a bit more helpful review
here (by the way, he admits this is his first, but certainly not last time, he read Welch). Here are some excerpts from the book:
"At this point, we know that worry and fear are more about us than about the things outside us. They reveal what is valuable to us, and what is valuable to us in turn reveals our kingdom allegiances. We also know that God is patient and compassionate with us, and he gives grace upon grace. Though alert to our divided allegiances, he persists in calling us away from fear and worry, persuades us of the beauty of the kingdom, and gives more than we can imagine."
"Like most writing projects, this book is aimed squarely at myself. Although I can be angry or melancholy, I am a fear specialist. In this I have found that I am not alone. Not everyone is a fear specialist, but there is no doubt that every single person who ever lived is personally familiar with fear. It is an inescapable feature of earthly life. To deny it is…well…to deny it."
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