Monday, February 26, 2007

Matthew 1:18-25 Study Guide

This Wednesday we will study Matthew 1:18-25. This passage is duly concerned with the birth (genesis) of Jesus Christ. Here are some thoughts, observations, and questions that may help you as you prepare for Wednesday night.

1) Take your time as you read this passage of Scripture. Do not rush! I say this because this passage of Scripture, Matthew 1-2, gets preached from all the time making it easy for us to think we know what it says. May I encourage you to become unfamiliar with this passage that you may read it and study it again with freshness! Ask the Lord to help you by His Spirit understand this passage in a deeper and fuller way.

2) What does it mean that Mary was “found to be with child by the Holy Spirit” in Matthew 1:18? What would have happened had Jesus been conceived by Joseph? What is significant about the Holy Spirit’s creative act of conception? What does this say about his divinity? Notice that twice the role of the Holy Spirit is pointed out in this short passage. Maybe this is a good time to stop and appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit in the birth and life of Christ. Unfortunately, the Holy Spirit serves a “thankless” role in the birth and life of Jesus Christ in our theology and in our preaching. See John 15:26, 16:14, I Jn. 4:2

3) To piggyback on the second point, what is significant about Mary’s role in the birth of Jesus? What does this say about his humanity?

4) As you study this passage be sure to refresh your memory in the very least with Isaiah 7, ideally with Isaiah 7-12, often called the “Book of Immanuel.” See especially Isaiah. 9:6, 11:1-5 and compare them with Isaiah 7:14.

5) In our day to name a child is technically to give them a label. It is largely trivial and insignificant. This is not so in the biblical world. In biblical times names pointed to the actual character and destiny of the individual. With this in mind take time to reflect upon the name of Mary’s child. Joseph is commanded to name the baby Jesus. Why? What is the connection between the name “Jesus” and v. 21-23.

6) I am sure you have heard of a popular thought concerning Mary’s perpetual virginity. To put it loosely, it teaches Mary forever was, is, and will be a virgin. Is that biblical? What does Matthew 1:24-25 teach concerning this popular thought concerning Jesus?

7) Here is a simple outline by David J. Macleod I found very helpful…

The Account of the Virginal Conception of Jesus

The Dilemma of Joseph: His Discovery of Mary’s Condition, vv. 18-19

The Revelation from Heaven: The Supernatural Conception of the Child, vv. 20-21

The Fulfillment of Scripture: Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Virgin’s Son, vv. 22-23

The Obedience of Joseph: He Marries the Virgin and Names Her Son, vv. 24-25

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