Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Daniel Bible Study - Short but perhaps helpful outline

In case you are feeling abit lost in Daniel 11 I thought I would post a brief outline and a few tips.

11:2-4 Background and Introduction
11:5-20 Conflict between the Kingdom of the South (Egypt) and the Kingdom of the North (Syria) up until Antiochus Ephiphanes IV
11:21-35 Conflict between the Kingdom of the South and the Kingdom of the North with special emphasis on Antiochus Ephiphanes IV
11:36-12:3 A new king from the North is on the scene (who is, in my humble opinion, the AntiChrist); End time events are described

You will of course notice I have outlined it from 11:2-12:3. This is because the chpt. divisions rudely interrupt the flow of this vision. One will do well then to read 11:2-12:3 in preparation for tomorrow nights bible study, or for even greater comprehension, read from chpt. 10 to the end of the book since chpt.10-12 comprises the entire final vision given to Daniel.

Another observation that may be helpful for you is to notice 11:2-19 is background to help us get to Antiochus Ephiphanes. The emphasis of Daniel 11 is clearly Antiochus Ephiphanes and the AntiChrist. Emphasis is put upon these two kings because of their dealings with God's people Israel.

Lastly, take your time reading this portion of Scripture (advice that should be followed with all portions of Scripture for that matter). The predictive details can get confusing, but that should not hurry us or frustrate us, rather it should make us slow down and carefully think about what is being said. All Scripture is profitable, so profit from your reading of this passage!

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