Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Too Busy to pray: Some Food For Thought

Have you ever thought to yourself at any time that you are too busy to pray? Be honest, even if you can trick others you can't trick God. Now that your being honest with yourself, lets be even more honest. This idea that we are too busy to pray is a sinful thought manifested from our selfish lusts and desires. We have too many things crammed into our life that we think we must do that God just gets pushed out the time frame. By the time we are finished doing everything that we wanted to get done, there is no time left to pray.

The key word to catch in that phrase is "wanted." In reality, if we "wanted" to pray to God, we could never be "too busy." That whole phrase "too busy to pray" is just ridiculous and reflective of our self indulging society. Stop and give this some food for thought: God is our Creator, in Him we live and move and have our being. We enjoy today and are busy today because God has given us life! Can we not then at the very least take a few moments each and every day to stop thinking about ourselves and thank God for the busy day? That would at least be a good first step.

John Wesley once remarked that he didn’t think very highly of ministers who didn’t spend at least four hours per day in prayer. Luther said that he prayed regularly for an hour every day except when he experienced a particularly busy day. Then he prayed for two hours. We need more Christians like that in today's world; Christians who breathe prayer like they breathe air.

Probably more to follow...

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