Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Who wants reformed criminals anyways?

Over at the Musclehead Revolution, Kevin McCullough has posted a link to a NY Times article decrying government funding of a Christian criminal reform program.

Kevin McCullough, after asking a few questions to those who oppose the criminal reform program says, "Evidently the answer to these questions is - YES. We would prefer for society to become a much more dangerous place than to admit - that God's way just MIGHT straighten out a few bad apples."

At the heart of this issue is one's wordlview. Either these criminals need to "get right" with their Creator who made them, by repentance of their sin, or these criminals need to deny their Creator and any supposed responsibility to listen and follow him, and "get right" with their autonomy as an individual, with having no moral responsbility, and only follow their animal like instincts...since after all, they are no different or better than those from which they have evolved...

It should be clear which worldview I support! The Truth of the Bible is truth with a capital "T." It is total reality. It is total Truth.

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