Saturday, December 23, 2006

Food for thought...

"To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true; so that he who says of anything that it is, or that it is not, will say either what is true or what is false."
-Aristotle on propositions, Metaphysics

"Nothing can both be and not be at the same time in the same respect."
-The Law of noncontradiction

"Facts don't need statements in order to exist, but statements need facts in order to be true."
-John Searle, The Construction of Social Reality

"Beliefs depend on minds for their existence. There can be no beliefs without minds to hold those beliefs (whether a human mind, an angelic mind or the divine Mind). However, what a belief is about, or what it refers to, is not dependent on our mind believing it. The truth value of a proposition's content is mind-independent."
- Douglas Groothuis, Truth Decay

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