Sunday, December 17, 2006

Daniel 12 Bible Study

This Wednesday night we will be having our bible study. We will begin covering Daniel chpt. 12 (though there are a few things I would like to go back over in Daniel 11), and perhaps even finish it! In light of this fact, be thinking about what book of Scripture we should study next.

The context for this chapter is the "end time" (Daniel 11:40, 12:1, 12:4, 12:9), specifically, the end time as it relates to God's holy people Israel (Daniel 12:1; 12:7).

Some things to be thinking about as you prepare for this Wednesday night are (in no specific order):
1. How does Ezekiel 38, 39 relate to Daniel 11:40-45.
2. Is Daniel 12:1 simultaneous with 11:40-45 or is Daniel 11:40-12:4 chronological?
3. What is the "time of distress" (Daniel 12:1)?
4. What is the significance of "attaining to the 1,335 days" (Daniel 12:12)?
5. Some important cross references to look up including Ezekiel 38, 39 are:Psalm 17:15; Isa. 26:19; Matthew 24-25; Rev. 20:1-6.
6. What is the significance of this entire vision? Or in another way, why is this vision given to Daniel?
7. Outline Daniel 10-12! This will help you a great deal!

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